CDNOW Neo Geo Review - from "CMJ NMR"
Neo Geo Exclusive Review from "CMJ New Music Report"
Where to begin with this one? Ryuichi is the guy who used to be the brain trust behind Yellow Magic Orchestra, has collaborated with tons of folks (David Sylvian, Bowie, Mark Stewart), and single-handedly pumped out the Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence soundtrack. We mention this because Neo Geo sounds like it could be culled from that soundtrack's sessions. Different styles and international influences abound on this record, combining healthy dollops of Eastern melody, world beat polyrhythms, Western rock `n' roll, and jazz. A good example of this blending occurs on the title track, where a steady backdrop is provided by what sounds like a Japanese girls school choir, accompanying an Eastern melody and rhythm from the dark continent. Never accuse Sakamoto of too little reach. "Risky"`s chug-a-lug beat is topped by lggy Pop on vocals. "Free Trading" is the jazziest track on the album, with a melody horribly close to "It's A Small World!" Turn on the Western funk and soul and you've got "Shogunade," complete with a guitar sound which is half Prince, half Shogun. Finally, "Okoinawa Song - Chin Nuku Juushii" could be an outtake from Stevie Wonder's under-appreciated Journey Through The Secret Life Of Plants (itself an amalgam of First, Second, and Third World motifs). All in all, a surprisingly enjoyable and accessible record.
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